
"This vest probably saved my life!" -Jim, Helite rider

1st Aug 2016

See full news article here 

We hate to hear about a rider going down. Luckily they happily share their story with us, as well as every rider they meet. Read Jim's story below. He is one of many riders that have no regrets about purchasing his Helite airbag system.

When will you need airbag technology? 

A year ago at the National BMW Rally of 2015 my wife and I each bought an airbag vest. I thought they were expensive, but my wife thought they looked like the best invention since sliced bread! And, you wonder if you would ever know if it really works! After all, since the 80's we have ridden thousands and thousands of miles with nary an incident!! Accepting the fact that I am aging(75 this year), I traded my BMW for a Can Am last fall. The stability was great and how can you argue with a reverse gear! I am an All the gear All the time kind of rider and so, in spite of the three wheeled stability, I continued my full suited habits including my new expensive who knows if it works vest! So, last Friday no one was more surprised than me when a woman pulled out in front of me as I was cruising at a comfortable 55mph on a state highway not 15 minutes from my house. With less than a second to respond I admit I can't remember what happened next. My next recollection is of First Responder faces talking to me. Witnesses said I had taken to the air off the bike and over the car and was flat on my back a ways down the road. The Can Am is totally smashed but the only mark on my equipment was a scrape on the cartridge pocket and a serious crushed abrasion to the back of my helmet. I believe I landed on the back of my head. The landing would have killed me but for the stabilizing effect of that GREAT vest! No broken bones--I admit I am sore all over and I have a concussion to care for but this turned out to be the investment of a lifetime! Thanks for this wonderful equipment. ALL the equipment ALL the time! And don't forget the Helite airbag! Words to live by.

Jim R., Lifetime MOA member Miltona, Minnesota.